E_USER_DEPRECATED in /var/www/reservas/init.inc at line 20
MRBS has detected that you do not have the PHP 'intl' extension loaded on your server and so it is using the deprecated strftime() function instead. You are recommended to enable the 'intl' extension.
#0 MRBS\generate_backtrace() called at [/var/www/reservas/functions_error.inc:226]
#1 MRBS\output_error() called at [/var/www/reservas/functions_error.inc:265]
#2 MRBS\error_handler(16384, MRBS has detected that you do not have the PHP 'intl' extension loaded on your server and so it is using the deprecated strftime() function instead. You are recommended to enable the 'intl' extension., /var/www/reservas/init.inc, 20)
#3 trigger_error(MRBS has detected that you do not have the PHP 'intl' extension loaded on your server and so it is using the deprecated strftime() function instead. You are recommended to enable the 'intl' extension., 16384) called at [/var/www/reservas/init.inc:20]
#4 require_once(/var/www/reservas/init.inc) called at [/var/www/reservas/defaultincludes.inc:35]
#5 require(/var/www/reservas/defaultincludes.inc) called at [/var/www/reservas/index.php:11]
Meeting Room Booking System

Unfortunately your browser isn't supported by MRBS. You will need to upgrade to a more recent version, or else use another browser.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023
